Easy and Delicious Baked Oatmeal Recipe


Top 5 Diet Mistakes You’re Making

Losing weight can be hard… especially with so much information about what you should eat, what you shouldn’t eat, when you should eat, when you shouldn’t eat, it’s enough to make a person go crazy! Here are some top mistakes that you could be making that are preventing you from losing weight!

How To Get A Flat Belly in 7 Days: Helpful Tips And Tricks

It’s almost March, summer will be here before you know it! Want to make sure you feel your best in a bathing suit? Check out some of these tips for getting a flat belly, fast!

Tips For Lasting Weight Loss

Losing weight seems to be on almost everyone’s to-do-list these days. Who doesn’t have a few extra pounds to lose? Diet alone without proper physical exercise will not give you the desired results. You want lasting weight loss.

Your Free Guide to Losing Weight by Waking Up Your Internal Fat Burning System

By understanding a little more about how our bodies actually work, we can give ourselves a better chance to lose weight and rid ourselves of those unwanted and unhealthy pounds we may be carrying. The truth is simple, to lose weight and burn fat; you need to get rid of more calories than you are consuming, nothing new there. Is weight gain something new or did cavemen get fat?

The Role of Body Composition in Weight Loss and Weight Regain

Weight loss is not synonymous with fat loss. Body composition is easily damaged by inappropriate weight loss, yet needs to be protected because it is key to preventing weight regain. This article explores the issues.

Get NEAT to Lose Weight – Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis

Recent studies show that although traditional gym or class based exercise programmes are good for health and fitness, their impact on weight loss can be negligible. This can be further exacerbated by genetic inheritance which can make it more difficult for certain individuals to lose weight. The new buzz word is NEAT. This activity that includes all movement outside of structured exercise. Simple steps and changes to increase NEAT can mean that you burn 500 more calories every day. This is the same as a hard bootcamp; except with no sweat!

How Do You Find Motivation for Fat Loss?

Finding the motivation to lose fat should be easy. Nearly 2/3 of Americans are considered overweight or obese. The side effects of carrying extra fat have been well documented: side effects such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, etc. Let us not forget about the psychological effects that can be associated with being overweight or obese. Such as low self esteem, decrease sex appeal and decreased libido. So how does one find the motivation to lose fat? It starts with two choices. 1. A choice to commit to making healthier choices. 2. A choice to be consistent.

Eating Right to Get the Body You Want

There is more to building muscle than lifting weights for hours and hours at the gym. That applies to losing or gaining weight, and also to remaining fit if you’re already blessed with a fit physique.

What Curbs Your Appetite – Post Pregnancy Weight Loss Without Starving

Are you trying to lose post pregnancy weight? Do you find that every time you “diet”, you just end up starving like crazy? In this article, we discuss how you can lose your post pregnancy weight… without the starving.

Garcinia Cambogia, The New Diet Pill On The Block

As challenging as it may seem, getting rid of those few extra pounds and keeping them off for good is not an impossible task. For most obese and overweight people, making a few simple and basic changes in their diet will be completely enough for them to accomplish dramatic results in losing weight that will last for a long time.

In Pursuit of A Slimmer Figure

Millions and millions of people deal with weight issues. Those widening waistlines are problematic for plenty of people, and all they can do is mourn the loss of clothes that no longer fit them.

A Multi-Faceted Weight Loss Supplement

The market is flooded with tons of supplements. The health craze that has taken over society these last few years has encouraged manufacturers to get into the supplement game.

Why You Shouldn’t Trust Celebrity Diets

It increasingly seems like our dieting fads are dictated by celebrities, and this isn’t entirely a good thing. There are a lot of problems with trusting celebrity diets, so read on to find out what.

Want to Lose Weight? Don’t Cook Your Food!

We all know that there are several weight loss programs that exist on the market to today but very few are as simple as eating a raw food diet. Many foods become much more calorific when cooked, especially if they are seasoned prior to cooking or cooked in a way which is high in fat, such as frying. A meal which is fried or baked using butter or oil can have as much as 25 per cent more calories than the uncooked ingredients alone.

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