10 Low Carb & Keto Pizza Recipes [Perfect for Any Meal]

Save Time And Money With A Healthy Food Delivery Service

When many people hear of a food delivery service, they think of the regular fast food. This isn’t the case as there are many food delivery services that deliver fresh, organic, healthy food.

Who Cares If You Lose Weight Or Are Sick?

Pharmaceutical companies are not interested in you if you are well or if you are dead. But at the mere mention of the word sick they are salivating. In the world of marketing a business owner is often asked to calculate the life time value of a client, to determine how much should be spent on marketing a product or service. So lets say at age 40 your cholesterol is up a bit, so you will need to be on a statin for the rest of your life, plus your blood pressure creeps up, now you are on blood pressure meds, next come the anti-inflammatories for your aching joints and a large number of people will also be treated for diabetes and or depression.

5 Things Dietitians Want You To Learn About Slimming Down

If you have ever attempted to lose weight in the New Year just to rapidly get it all back once again, you’re not alone. Here are five skilled pointers on how to lose weight and keep it off for this year. Avoid the costly detox strategies and follow these five easy guidelines for reducing weight in 2017…

5 Ways to Sneak Fruit and Veg Into Your Fat Burning Diet

Do you like fruit and veg? Well, it’s not a favorite part of my diet either, and I’m guessing many of you out there feel the same way! However if you are trying to burn unwanted body fat then fruit and veg are going to be a vital part of your diet. The real trick is then to sneak them into your diet rather than unwillingly to force them down your throat.

What Is Better For Weight Loss, Exercise Or Physical Exercise?

We all know that leading an active lifestyle is an integral part of the weight loss formula! The health benefits of being active very clear to see, such as a lower chance of the negative health conditions like heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, depression and can even reduce the risk of cancer. But which is better for you, exercise or physical activity and what is the difference?

How to Stay Slim These Holidays

The holidays can be a difficult time, being that there are so many family responsibilities and all! Yet it is still important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and squeeze in exercise whenever possible in order to maintain your weight loss momentum. After all losing weight is like an aeroplane taking off – it doesn’t work if you slow down at the end!

Weight Loss Pills – An Easy and Proven Way to Lose Weight

Obesity has become a major issue pestering people across the continents. It is a medical condition where excessive fat is amassed in the body to the limit where it starts to have a negative impact on the body. There are several reasons like overeating, mitigated physical activity and genetic susceptibility that contribute to obesity in one or another way.

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